Email Campaigning in SMB-Management – 6 Hacks for New Owners

In the 2010s, we’ve seen the development of social media in many different directions. We’ve witnessed the fast development of eCommerce platforms, as well as the rapid growth of the mobile market. All these changes have forced business owners and marketers to adapt their operations. Still, one means of digital marketing has remained unchanged for almost three decades now – the email service.

Its main function – sending and receiving various bits of content – does a great job for the entire B2B community. But if you’re a new business owner, you might need to use this service differently from the way you used it as an employee or a regular Internet user. Here’s what we think you should take into consideration to run a successful email campaign and reach high conversions.


  1. Identify the right email form


The first thing you need to determine is the email form that you’re going to use. 

If you’re only at the beginning of your business quest, you might not need any special template. Those business owners who write only a couple of emails a day can just determine a simple one-size-fits-all structure. For instance, this form can have the introductory part which will explain why you’re writing. The middle section can contain the suggestions/services/conclusions you want to convey. 

In the final part, you can call the recipient to action. 

As your email list keeps growing and you start writing dozens of emails daily, think about turning to one of the trendy email providers. They offer various options, among which different email forms for various purposes. 


  1. Apply drip marketing


Automation is one of the buzzwords of the modern business world. If you want to keep the pace with big players, you should apply email drip marketing as much as possible.

In a nutshell, “dripping” means sending out automated emails for a set number of situations. That way, they’ll keep getting regular feeds from your business. 

For starters, one of the features of such a campaign should be the greeting, welcome email. Every user who registers to your websites should receive such an electronic letter. If possible, offer some vouchers, discounts or even giveaways via this email. 

Special offers can make a special group of emails, as well. You can divide this email into the ones for regular customers and those for registered users who still haven’t made their first purchase. 

Also, a cart abandonment reminder is another relevant part of an automated email campaign. Its function is to remind a user that he or she hasn’t finished the buying procedure on your website. 

This kind of automation will help you increase your marketing efficiency, while your customers will keep receiving useful feeds. 


  1. Set a newsletter strategy


Distributing updated information about your business and its activities is a must in the modern business environment. The easiest way to spread the news that way is by sending out newsletters to your registered users via email. 

As for the content of these newsletters, you can focus on two main categories: information related to your venture, and news from the industry. Sometimes it can be two different newsletters, if your time and assets allow for that. 

You can choose from a variety of forms for your business newsletter but always stay focused and concise. Rabbling about unimportant things can result in low reading rates for your newsletters. What’s more, users who find your newsletters irrelevant might unsubscribe from your email list. 

So, check out some examples of smashing newsletters on the Oberlo website and follow suit, form-wise. 


  1. Ensure smooth registration


Persuading the visitors of your website or blog to sign up is one of the key tasks for you as a business owner. Once a visitor gives you their email address, it’s a sign you’ve established a trustworthy relationship. To get there, you need to look relevant and knowledgeable. 

What’s also important is to ensure smooth registration from users’ point of view. In line with that, avoid aggressive pop-ups that intimidate users the moment they come to your website. If you still want to add a pop-up registration box, it can appear after a certain amount of time the user has spent on your website. Also, setting the activation of a popup after users read an entire text or buy a product is another reasonable option. 

A somewhat different approach is to place a registration box on every page and let your users choose the moment they want to sign up. If your content is relevant and your services are attractive, they’ll start registering without any attention-grabbing pop-ups. 


  1. Personalize email content


We’ve highlighted the importance of automated emails for your business promotion. If you want to take email marketing one step further, you need to personalize some of the content you send out via email. 

For starters, when you’re planning to launch a new product or prepare a package of special services, announce this novelty to your core customers first. When they realize they’re the top picks of your business, they’ll feel flattered and special. This can result in higher purchase rates. 

Another way to add customization to your email system is to give your customers special offers for their birthdays or as Christmas discounts. The latter can be applied to other holidays and festivals if you aim at a global audience. 


  1. Adapt to the mobile world


*Ray Charles sang that “this is a man’s world”. In terms of modern digital marketing, today, he would sing that “this is a mobile’s world”. According to the report published by Smart Insights, Internet traffic on mobiles has surpassed its desktop counterpart: 53% of users search the Web via mobiles, compared with 37% of desktop users (and 10% of regular tablet surfers). 

This is why SMB-owners need to adapt their email marketing strategy to mobile users. For starters, the email service providers mention earlier in the article provide different functions that can adapt emails to the device from which it’s being read at that moment. 

Another two cents: avoid long and watered-down emails. A striking and functional email can be read in one or two minutes. That’s the amount of time that someone spends standing in line in a shop. So, stay crystal clear in your emails and always emphasize the benefit for the user. 

Also, the experts from a website company in Houston suggest launching a mobile app as your business keeps generating more conversions and revenues. This will enable mobile users to interact with your business more quickly, plus it will increase the speed at which they buy on your website. 




Email remains a powerful marketing tool for business owners of all kinds. Still, its advantages for SMB-owners are perhaps the most obvious ones. If you offer popular services and useful products, email is a perfect way to popularize your business. Most of its features are free of charge, so you just need to try how it can meet your business demands. After that, you can just observe how your conversion rates are increasing and how your email list is growing. 



Author Byline: Liam Collins is a tech pundit and Web enthusiast working at He spends most of his time reading and writing about the current affairs in the world of information technology. When he isn’t working, he likes going for long bike rides and walks in nature.



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