Social Media

How To Take Great Clothing Photos For Social Media

Whereas retail was once a strictly offline business, many companies in the industry would not survive without the internet. Having a good website is, of course, vital to keeping up with your competitors,...

The Best Photography Gear For Social Media Photos

There was a time not so long ago when social media was dominated by the millennial generation and used for nothing more than basic posting and online chat room facilities. Fast-forward a few...

Photo Editing Tips For Social Media

Social media isn’t reality, we all know that. It’s for showing off your happiest, proudest and most enjoyable moments in the best light. Although the subject of an image can go so far...

The Hustle – How To Make It As A Social Media Marketer

So, you want to be a social media marketer? It’s obvious to see why the job has so much appeal: social media is fun and addictive, and the idea of effectively being able...