How will mobile revolutionise marketing in 2020?

We’ve seen the state of marketing change massively over the past few years alone. First was the introduction of digital marketing – a means of online advertisement that has skyrocketed in popularity, leaving traditional marketing techniques to pale in comparison. Nowadays, we’re seeing another shift in digital marketing, with a far stronger focus on the mobile phone.

“The state of digital has not even reached its full potential. It’s exciting to see what the future might bring,” says buytvinternetphone. New trends are rapidly emerging that will change the way businesses sell themselves in the mobile marketing landscape by as early as next year. There is no ignoring these trends – to do so would risk falling behind your competitors.

Here are a few ways that mobile will revolutionise marketing by 2020:

1.       By continuing to broaden the delivery of marketing messages

On mobile, there are so many different ways to deliver business marketing messages, and masterminds in the field are continuing to think up creative approaches to doing so. With the latest smartphones of 2020 making accessing social media and the internet far easier, and app updates ensuring speedy use from any location, it will become easier than ever to communicate marketing to the consumer.

A key advantage of mobile marketing is that messages can be tailored towards a specific audience through the clever use of algorithms, allowing businesses to personally target users with the most interest in their offerings. With the social media userbase continuing to grow, more and more businesses are taking advantage of the most popular platforms to reach out to the internet audience in an organic, non-spammy way.

2.       By appealing to a far wider audience

More people than ever now have access to a mobile phone – gone are the days when only the young, tech-savvy millennials had one in their possession. Nowadays, mobile is more appealing and accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds, and marketing is shifting to suit the demands of a far wider audience range.

In some cases, mobile phone usage is overtaking laptop or computer usage. Reports show that in India, Indonesia and Mexico, roughly four times as many people use smartphones than desktops. This is why the increase in mobile-specific marketing is hardly surprising; it’s where the biggest audience is at.

3.       By lessening the need for the “traditional” ad

Some would argue that traditional advertisements are still key to any business’ marketing, but this form of promotion is, on the whole, outdated. In a time when we can easily turn off the radio or fast-forward the TV when adverts begin, it could easily be suggested that investing in producing a traditional advertisement is a waste of money.

The interesting thing about mobile is that it isn’t designed for traditional adverts to naturally fit into. Instead, marketing experts are thinking up new and intelligent ways to appeal to the mobile user without the use of a direct ad. By 2020, mobile should prompt an even greater interest in alternative marketing techniques that don’t compel the user to sit through thirty seconds of pure advertorial content.

4.       By creating a more positive relationship between business and consumer

The average consumer has the right to be wary about advertorial content. It demands that the consumer takes action, whether that be by visiting a website, calling a number, or even parting with their hard-earned cash – and the consumer probably doesn’t want to. If a consumer knows almost nothing about a business other than a short snippet of information gathered from an advert, they are highly unlikely to want to spend money on that business’ products or services. Mobile marketing can change that.

On mobile platforms, businesses can exist without having to scream about their wares to potential customers on a 24/7 basis. Obviously, web ads still exist, but most are unobtrusive and can be viewed or ignored at the user’s discretion. And they no longer have to be the main focus. Businesses can dedicate far more time to crafting their content on social media channels, where other users can find out more about them and build positive relationships with them without feeling obliged to buy their products. Going forward, this is a far more beneficial way of building consumer trust and loyalty in the long run.  

In summary

If you’re a mobile phone user, there’s a good chance that you experience multiple mobile marketing communications on a daily basis. There is no avoiding it even if you wanted to; marketing is everywhere, on all of your favourite apps and internet platforms, but is usually discrete enough to never feel in your face. Because of its ability to tailor specific communication towards the user, mobile marketing is, and will continue to be, a highly effective form of personal business-to-consumer communication.

There’s no denying that mobile is going to stick around for good. By 2020, we will see a continued improvement of performance, with the introduction of 5G, new battery technology, better software, and more adaptive interfaces, all of which will shape the mobile marketing of the future. We may reach a day when our phones are smart enough to infer our likes and dislikes and pick up on our browsing routines, to then tailor our apps to our tastes and needs. This could be particularly useful from a marketing perspective.

With mobile such a commonplace feature of our day-to-day lives, the value of mobile marketing will only continue to increase. The most successful businesses will use the personal aspect of mobile to their advantage, communicating to users without being obtrusive. To be able to master what is clearly the future of digital marketing is vital for a business that wishes to continue to thrive in 2020 and beyond. 


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